Financing circular business models and enabling further growth is of key importance for startups. But how can you convince investors of economic viability of your concept, based on sustainable approach to managing production and value chains?
This seminar is aimed at startups, that wish to get involved in transforming our economy into a circular one with their circular concept and sustainable value chains. It is also aimed at investors that would like to be implied in this circular change. The main speaker, Gilles Le Cocguen, head of EuroQuity platform from bpifrance, will present to the enterpreneurs, how best to prepare for investments, while Borut Kocič, director Corporate Banking at SID Banka, will speak about investing in sustainable circular concepts in Slovenia.
In the introductory part, challenges of investing in circular business models and some of best practice examples will be highlighted. Following the key-note addresses, the representatives of different initiatives will outline the possibilities of acquiring financial support in slovenian economic space. The participants will be given an opportunity to investigate the landscape in more depth in a group exercise. At the end of the seminar, the participants will have the opportunity of informal exchange and networking.
The event is organised in cooperation with Technology Park Ljubljana and will take place at their premisses (Technološki Park Ljubljana 19, 1000 Ljubljana). It forms a part of Circular Opportunity Days 2019. It is at the same time also part of ESIL programme – Early Stage Investment Launchpad and part of SIO project – Subjekti Inovativnega Okolja.