Upcoming Events


6th April 2023

” Clean Energy Transition – Dutch Orange meets Adriatic Blue”


In partnership with:


23rd May 2023

“Introducing: Circular Business Academy E-Learning Platform”


In partnership with:

The complete CBA Agenda for 2022 can be viewed here: Agenda 2022.

Past Events


21st Feburary 2023

” Internal carbon pricing as a tool to help mitigate climate-related business risks”


In partnership with:


March and April 2022

” Circularity Acceleration Training 4.0″

In partnership with:



15th, 30th March and 13th April 2022

“Sustainability Reporting Course”

In partnership with:



25th August 2021

” Circular Expert Practitioners: Summer reading digest”

In partnership with:



10th June 2021

” Financiranje krožnih poslovnih modelov v Sloveniji
in v Območju Alp”

In partnership with:



3rd June 2021

CBA Case-Study Workshop with Rilke Labs:
“Innovation beyond waste”

In partnership with:



31st March and 1st April 2021

” Circularity Acceleration Training 4.0″

In partnership with:



11th & 18th February 2021

” Circular expert practitioners seminar “

In partnership with:



19th January 2021

” Institutional readiness unleashing opportunities arising from the European Grean Deal “

In partnership with:



 18 November & 2 December 2020

“Towards the Ecocivilisation  (Part VI): Individuum

In Partnership with 


5 November 2020

“Matchmaking Workshop II: Sustainable cross-border tourism


In Partnership with


28 October 2020

“”Matchmaking Workshop II: Sustainable and innovative materials”


In Partnership with


21 Ocotber, 4 November 2020

“Towards the Ecocivilisation  (Part V): Communities

In Partnership with 


14 October 2020



In Partnership with


16 & 23 September 2020

“Towards the Ecocivilisation  (Part IV): Health through the Ecocivilisation concept

In Partnership with 


17 June 2020

“Imagining the Ecocivilisation (3) – A new balance of influence within our societies and among global spheres of interest

In Partnership with 


10 June 2020

“Imagining the Ecocivilisation (2) – Designing societies going circular

In Partnership with 


27 May 2020

“Imagining the Ecocivilisation (1) – Introduction to the concept and imagining the transformative processes

In Partnership with 


21 May 2020

“Financing of circular business models through the pandemic”
CBA Webinar and workshop

In Partnership with 


6 May 2020

CBA Webinar

In Partnership with 

11 February 2020


In Partnership with 


29 January 2020

“Circular Expert Practitioners”
CBA Seminar



In Partnership with

8 November 2019

“The Challenges of Circular Transformation”

 »Izzivi krožne transformacije«

In Partnership with/v sodelovanju z

21 November 2019

“Investing in Circular Economy Startups”

»Investiranje v krožna zagonska podjetja«

 In Partnership with/v sodelovanju z


11 December 2019

“Sustainable financing and circular business models for new growth”

»Trajnostno financiranje in krožni poslovni modeli za novo rast«

In Partnership with/v sodelovanju z

Nekateri dogodki so sofinancirani s strani Republike Slovenije in Evropske unije, Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, nekateri s strani Ministrstva za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti in iz Evropske unije, Evropskega socialnega sklada. 

Some events are co-financed by the Republic Slovenia and the EU under European Regional Development Fund; some by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities and the EU from the European Social fund.

Welcome to join the change!


Trdinova ulica 9
+386 59 184 020

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